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Humeurs et Humours
28 mars 2005


Even in the times of darkness
Even when the sun is pale
Even when no one hears
Our everlasting lament

Even when friends are gone
Even when our effort's in vain
Even in the biggest struggles
Or the most oppressing pain

Even when there is no issue
Even when our strength decays
Even in the strongest temptation
Even in our worst days

We will seek you
Yes, even then
O You
Power, wisdom, comfort
Eternal rest.

© Jeduthun Records - 2001

C'est comme l'alphabet, une fois que tu as épuisé toutes les lettres une à une, tu découvres que tu peux les composer à l'infini et jongler avec aussi loin que ton imagination est prête à aller.<br /> <br /> Je ne crois pas que la vie soit un jeu, c'est bien plus que cela. Il me semble que la vie est un moment qui nous est donné dans le temps pour faire du bien à des gens qui en ont momentanément besoin, afin qu'ils vivent de meilleurs lendemains.<br /> <br /> Dans une chanson, ils se posaient la question "si on devait mourir demain, qu'est-ce que tu ferais, toi", j'aime cette question parce qu'elle rappelle que la vie est comme un souffle, qu'elle vient de quelque part, qu'elle va ailleurs et qu'entre deux, une éternité s'est écoulée. A-t-on seulement le temps de vivre pendant cette éternité ? La vie ne tient qu'à un fil, allons nous renforcer ce fil ou le faire craquer ? Pour ma part, je veux le renforcer more and more et aller de l'avant, même si ce n'est pas facile tous les jours. Personne n'a dit que ça devait être facile...<br /> <br /> sylvia
Life cannot be just a game, I think. Otherwise, it all would be so absurd. You live, you die, you disappear... and people forget you. What's the use in that?<br /> <br /> If life is not just a game... what then? What are we supposed to do? Who are we supposed to be? Well, that's what humanity is trying to figure out. So do I.<br /> <br /> In any case, we must keep trying to improve, and to become better people. It is a matter of respect to ourselves and to those who surround us. That's the only thing I know for sure.<br /> <br /> As a poet said: "Birth and death is all that some think of, but it is the bit in between that really matters."
What a strange night<br /> What a strange day<br /> <br /> Sometimes, life come upon us, and cover us with a sweet word, a sweet memory<br /> <br /> Sometimes, loneliness doesn't mean anything anymore, sometimes it does. If life wasn't just a game, if somewhere, we'd have something to discover, to go further, where would you go ?<br /> <br /> I'm often asking myself that kind of question, maybe to challenge me to find something else... ?<br /> Or maybe to kill the one I used to be.<br /> <br /> Where does the day start ? Do you know ? Where does it end... <br /> <br /> sylvia (D)
Definitely, yes. Anytime you want, anyplace you go.<br /> <br /> Let me thank you for knocking at my door instead of rushing in. You know, I'm still fragile sometimes...<br /> <br /> Looking forward to talk to you. We'll share another little bit of ourselves.<br /> <br /> The night outside is crying. Take good care of yourself.<br /> <br /> Jeduthun.
Tonight we met, our ways came across the land<br /> Nobody was there, just us, just you, just me<br /> <br /> Tonight I saw a man, coming along the road, alone, coming to life again<br /> Tonight, I looked into your heart and asked you that strange question : who are you ?<br /> You seemed not to be able to answer, but indeed, you did.<br /> <br /> You gave me much more than an answer, you gave me a little bit of you, I didn't ask for more, I just wanted to knock at the door of your heart.<br /> <br /> Are we going to meet again ? <br /> <br /> sylvia
Humeurs et Humours
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